lunes, febrero 16, 2009

Integrating online, offline, and viral communications efforts

A Web site is nothing but potential, until you back it up with a communications plan that identifies your online program goals, and addresses them through a coordinated series of campaigns that leverage your online presence.

In most engagements, our Web design and technology services join forces with the 2.0 Strategy Team, which provides the strategic online program development and management services that help you make the most of your new Web site and the 2.0 Online Tools. We can help you set goals for fundraising, advocacy, acquisition, online engagement, or any combination, and then develop and manage a communications plan to meet them.

The best guarantee that you will get the most out of your online communications program is to ensure that it is fully aligned with your offline efforts, so that your constituents and prospective constituents are hearing the same set of messages through every channel.

This is not always easy, but we can help. Our account planners, strategists, copywriters, videographers, and media editors work effectively across all media, guaranteeing that you are communicating effectively and with a unified message in every channel at once.

Additionally, our Strategy Team has ample experience collaborating with public affairs and communications staff, in both large and small companies and organizations, to help coordinate messaging, communications calendars, and specific campaigns and initiatives. In particular, we can help you use the 2.0 Online Tools to provide integrated online followthrough via your Web site to offline events and campaigns, so that each of your constituents has the opportunity to interact with you via the channel that is most likely to encourage him and her to maintain an active, rewarding relationship.

We will also work closely with you to ensure that your external online promotional activities -- including online advertising, viral video, social networking sites, and blog outreach -- make their greatest possible impact, in synergy with your activities on your own Web site, your outbound email program, and your offline communications program.

Rubén Weinsteiner

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